Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Positive Impact of Having a Child with a Disability on Your Family

Advocates at PACER Center know first-hand that having a child with a disability changes the lives of our families.  Advocates have said "our family moved back to Minnesota to be near our support system" and "I never would have learned sign language if not for my son."

What has been a positive effect of having a child with a disability on your family?


  1. It's been a life-changing experience for my family. We've met such interesting people! It's even led to a career in the disability field.

  2. I've learned so much about education! I don't think I would have known how to be an advocate otherwise.

  3. I have learned so much about the discrimination and prejudice those with mental health diagnoses suffer in school, the media, the criminal justice system and society in general. I have also learned about the inner strength my children possess and have a sense of admiration for them I couldn't have without their disabilities.

  4. I have learned about the discrimination and prejudice those with mental health diagnoses suffer in school, the media, the criminal justice system and our society as a whole. I have also seen an inner strength and courage in my children I could not have seen if they did not have their disabilities.

  5. this looks like a good opportunity! Thanks.

  6. I have learned the true meaning of "unconditional love".

  7. I'm much less judgemental of others and more empathetic and have learned to appreciate small gains:)

  8. I share in the experiences everyone has mentioned and I also have learned an enormous amount of patience. I've learned to slow down. I've learned a LOT about IEPs and the special education process. I've learned that I am stronger than I ever thought I was and that my child is very strong.

  9. Having a child with a disability has brought me closer to God.
    I have had to lean on God and trust in God's guidance rather than my own abilities or wisdom.

  10. To celebrate his uniqueness

  11. I can relate to just about everything everyone has said. I am constatly amazed at my childrens' strength and just how much of a "Mama Bear" I can be when I need to be! I too have become more patient, more appreciative and I too have learned so much about the education system that now want to help others figure things out for their children too. I've gone back to school and hope for a career doing just that. My girls have changed my life in so many ways and I know they will continue to do so.

  12. Finding therapuetic treatments for a child really challenged us to open ourselves to the unconventional, and I am so glad that we did. My spirtual beliefs have grown considerably in raising our child. I have an inner strength that I don't if I ever would have recognized without the challenges we have faced, and my husband and I grew closer as we had to support each other and our child. I would never ask for this challenge, but I am very thankful for what we have learned from it.


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